BENZI along with other major PTO Drive shafts manufacturers actively participated to the Technical Committee works for the EN 12965 norm revision.
This norm specifies safety requirements and their verification for the design and construction of power take-off (PTO) drive shafts.
The norm revision provides for the application of an “Entanglement test”, which is intended to verify that the locking system on both ends of the shaft shall not cause any entanglement for the operator while the driveline is in rotation; the main novelty is that the test will be carried out both on the tractor side (P.T.O.) and on the implement side (P.I.C.).
BENZI has studied a solution that allows the perfect application of the norm without applying additional costs or significant changes to the cardan transmissions, this is the SECURE LOCK locking system.
The SECURE LOCK design allows to encase the push-pin avoiding any possible entanglement for the operator.

Of course also the standard “Collar” locking system already in production is fully conform to the new entanglement test.

Naturally should you already have the Collar locking system on both sides of the PTO drive shafts there will be no need to alter the PTO drive shaft configuration as it already complies with the revised standard.

New EN 12965: Additional locking systems and torque limiters
All the additional locking systems (interfering bolt / conic bolt /…) which require a tool in order to be installed on / removed from the implement side (P.I.C.) can still be used and therefore will not change; the same applies to torque limiters and safety devices.

Push-pin end yokes phasing out
Eventually also all the spare yokes with standard push-pin will be phased out and replaced by the new secure lock design for product series.
Part No.s
Since the standard push-pin yokes will be replaced by the new version, in order to facilitate customers with the switch-over to the new models (no need to alter already issued P.O.s), we have taken the decision to not alter the sales P/N (both PTO drive shafts & spare parts P/N will not change); the switch over will be handled internally by our production using our secondary P/N system and relative revision indexes.
Implementation of the new EN 12965 in Italy and in EU countries…
The revision of EN 12965 was approved in the last months of 2020: at this stage each EU member country is ratifying and publishing the norm. From the moment of the publication in each member country twelve months will need to pass in order for the norm to become mandatory; BENZI will start installing the new locking system design across the range in the second half of 2021.
…and in Non-EU countries
In order to optimize the production, the new secure lock push-pin design will be replacing the standard push-pin design on the implement side of the PTO drive shafts for all customers in Non-EU countries. No extra cost will be added to the PTO drive shaft.
We stress the fact that updating the products will enable all Non-EU customers to re-export to the EU machineries equipped with our PTO drive shafts as well as stand-alone PTO drive shafts compatible with the revised norm.