Engineering & Testing 

The agricultural mechanization sector is constantly evolving; in addition to the sixty-year experience in the design and production of transmission systems, in order to propose innovative solutions, tools and processes for the design and validation of products are used to allow us guarantee our customers the reliability and adequacy of the solutions we propose.

Starting from the early stages of designing and modeling finite element calculations and specific evaluations are performed considering the characteristics of the transmission system and in relation to the application involved; once the first design phase has been completed, prototypes are released and tested using test equipment designed to simulate working conditions.

Following the validation of the transmission system a pre-series is released aimed at testing the transmission system in the field; field tests normally take place in collaboration with our customers and, depending on the complexity of the solution, constitute a fundamental step before being able to proceed to the final phase of full serial production.

All phases and processes that contribute to the development of new products are carried out in compliance with the quality requirements ensured by the complete application of the ISO 9001 standards.